Monday, 20 January 2025

A life dedicated to the lute

The musical life of the master lute player Necati Çelik from Konya has become a documentary. In the documentary titled “Sahibini Arayan Ud” (Lute Searching for Its Owner), the process of evolution of musical interest, which started with bağlama at a young age, into lute is explained.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism Istanbul State Turkish Music Ensemble lute artist Necati Çelik’s life became a documentary. Bringing the lute adventure that started with bağlama in Konya at a young age to the world, Çelik became one of the most popular names in his field. In addition to the concerts he gave around the world, the albums he released, he also brought his art to large masses with the students he trained. Thanks to his interest in Şerif Muhittin Targan, the lute and plectrum skills he learned on his own made Çelik’s name among the masters.