Sunday, 08 September 2024
General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises has three animal farms in Konya

General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises has three animal farms in Konya

General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises (TİGEM), affiliated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, takes an important task in Turkey’s animal husbandry by raising ovine and cattle. TIGEM, which has 3 animal breeding farms in Altınova, Gözlü and Konuklar has a great contribution to Konya’s agricultural income.
In order to increase and diversify the animal production and also to improve the product quality of Turkey, TIGEM, which has three state animal farms in Konya, breeds disease-free sheep and cattles, deliver them to the breeders and presents a highly qualified service. TIGEM, which has 3 animal breeding farms in Altınova, Gözlü and Konuklar has a great contribution to 

Konya’s agricultural income. Animal husbandry in farms affiliated to TIGEM operating in Konya is as follows;
Altınova Agricultural Enterprise
The farm raises brown cattle and Anatolian merino sheep. Last year, 1013 brown cattles delivered 401 calves in the farm. Last year 17.845 sheep delivered 12.502 lambs.
Gözlü Agricultural Enterprise
The firm raises brown cattle and Acıpayam, Akkaraman and Bafra sheep. Last year, while there were 4.021 cattle and 27.571 ovine in the farm, they had 1535 calves and 19.004 lambs.
Konuklar Agricultural Enterprise
There are 638 cattle in the farm which breeds feeder cattle.