Tuesday, 18 February 2025
Konya Chose Production Investment and Export in 2020

Konya Chose Production Investment and Export in 2020

December council meeting was held. KCI held the last assembly meeting of 2020 online under the chairmanship of Parliament Speaker Tahir Büyükhelvacıgil. Konya Chamber of Industry President Memiş Kütükcü, who gave information to the assembly members about the one-year activities of Konya Chamber of Industry, stated that ‘The year 2020 has been a challenging year for our country, all segments of society and the world. The pandemic has changed our habits. However, as the business world, I think we have learned to manage the pandemic process and even managed to open new opportunities in some sectors. In 11 months of 2020, despite all the adverse conditions of the pandemic, we made an export approaching $ 2 billion. We are preparing for a new export record, exceeding the 2019 export figure. We see with great pleasure that the number of exporter companies in our city has reached 3.067 as of November 2020. The progress of the investments in our Konya Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) and in the various industrial sites of our city makes us more hopeful for the future. All these show that our industrialists maintain their desire to produce, invest and export and create employment despite all negative conditions.’

11 Different reports from KCI in the  Pandemic

President Kütükçü stated that ‘They uttered on every platform that industrial production should continue regardless of the conditions during the pandemic process and that they have carried out many studies in this direction. Kütükçü stated that they prepared 11 different reports in line with the demands of industrialists during the pandemic process, shared them with ministries and relevant institutions, especially Turkey Union of Chambers and Exchange Commodities (short for TOBB in Turkish) and followed up these reports and that many of their requests were implemented. I can confidently say that we provided 5-star service to our members during this period as well. In our works such as coordinating work permits in curfew periods, we tried to provide the best quality of service not only to our members but also to non-member industrialists.’

Kütükçü stated that as a chamber, they continue to work to increase production and exports in 2020 without interruption. He stated that they organized 27 online meetings, panels, seminars, 24 online trainings and participated in 6 international events throughout the year.

‘We are realizing our goals in the field of defense industry’

Emphasizing that the efforts for the defense industry continue throughout 2020, and that the dreams of bringing a defense main industry investment to Konya come true, Kütükçü stated that ‘This dream came true with the start of production of Aselsan Konya Weapon Systems Factory, which was brought to our city with great efforts and contributions of our chamber. This investment, made with the partnership of % 49 of our 24 entrepreneurs from Konya, has also led to very good developments. Konya Technology Industrial Zone has been declared as an area of ​​1 million 581.000 m2, including Aselsan. In addition, a test center will be built in this area. Konya Technology Industry Zone received its second investment with TR TEST Center after Aselsan Konya Weapon Systems inc. Defense Industry Development Center Feasibility Project, which was carried out with (DTET) Defense Technologies Engineering and Trade company to support the development of the city in the field of defense industry, was also completed. Kütükçü stated that they aim to implement this project, which is carried out with the Guided Project Support of Mevlana Development Agency, in 2021.’