The opening ceremony of the 1.4-megawatt Seçme Hydroelectric Power Plant, brought to Çumra by the Konya Metropolitan Municipality, has been held.
The Seçme Hydroelectric Power Plant Facility, built on the Mavi Tunnel Drinking Water line supplying drinking water to Konya, holds the distinction of being the longest water intake structure in Turkey due to its placement at the end of the 52-kilometer conveyance line.
The facility, with an installed capacity of 1.4 megawatts, is expected to produce approximately 7 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually.
At the same time, the foundation of the Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant was laid.
With the Wastewater Treatment Plant to be constructed in the Çumra neighborhood, waste waters originating from the Çumra town center, İçeri Çumra, Alibeyhüyüğü, and Okçu neighborhoods will be treated.