Meram gains another significant healthcare investment. The
foundation of the health investment, which will become Konya's largest oral and
dental hospital, was laid with a ceremony organized.
Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony of the Aksinne
Beyhekim Oral and Dental Health Hospital, which will consist of 70 units and
whose land was allocated by Meram Municipality, Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan
mentioned that Mustafa Kavuş's enthusiasm for service contributed to the
realization and acceleration of this investment.
Highlighting that with the completion of the hospital newly
acquired for Meram, Konya's oral and dental healthcare services will reach a
significant level, similar to other healthcare services, Konya Provincial
Health Director Prof. Dr. Mehmet Koç emphasized, "After the pandemic, we
made intense efforts to enhance our oral and dental healthcare services. We
worked diligently to increase both the number of examinations and procedures in
our existing hospitals, aiming to address the concerns of our citizens."
Karatay Municipality Mayor Hasan Kılca also remarked that
the newly initiated Aksinne Beyhekim Oral and Dental Health Hospital is a
splendid example of the Konya Model Municipality and Konya Model Investment approach.
In his speech, Mayor Kılca expressed the following views: "The journey
that began with the City Hospital continues to grow exponentially. Konya has
truly become a healthcare hub. For this, we are grateful to our esteemed
Minister Fahrettin Koca, our Honorable Governor, and our Members of Parliament.
Thanks to these efforts, our people can now access healthcare services much
more easily."