Dr. Ahmet Büyükyörük, Specialist in Radiation Oncology at
Medicana Konya Hospital, emphasized the importance of drinking sufficient water
during cancer treatment.
Dr. Ahmet Büyükyörük stated, “In cases of dehydration, the
body loses more fluids than it takes in. When your body lacks adequate water,
your organs cannot function properly. Side effects such as vomiting and
diarrhea during cancer treatment can lead to significant fluid loss.
Medications, surgeries, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and even the foods you
consume alongside your treatment can contribute to this. During cancer
treatment, there is a risk of developing an infection that could lead to fever.
High temperatures can induce thirst, and dehydration can, in turn, lead to
increased body temperature. If not addressed promptly, this can create a
vicious cycle of worsening dehydration.”
Dr. Ahmet Büyükyörük, highlighting the dangers of
dehydration in cancer patients, explained that dehydration is defined as an
excessive loss of fluids from the body due to various reasons. He mentioned, “Dry
mouth, tongue or lips, dizziness, feeling weak or tired, nausea, constipation,
dry skin, swollen, dry, or cracked tongue, rapid weight loss, headaches, dark
yellow urine or reduced urine, and irritability are symptoms of dehydration.”
Dr. Büyükyörük emphasized the importance of ensuring
adequate water intake before, during, and after cancer treatment. He stated, “It's
essential to sip water throughout the day. Drinking water only when you're
thirsty is not enough. You can become dehydrated and may not even feel thirsty
at all. Some healthcare professionals recommend a minimum of 8 glasses of
fluids a day, even more, if you have diarrhea or vomiting, especially during
cancer treatment. It's best to tailor the information to the individual's
condition during cancer treatment. You should ask your doctor how much is right
for you. You can choose foods with high water content, such as watermelon,
lettuce, and broccoli. If you don't feel like drinking or eating, you can also
try ice chips. Having a few at a time will provide you with some fluids. Adding
them to a glass of water may take some time, but every drop helps.”