The Selcuklu Municipality, having a busy season with infrastructure works throughout the district, has carried out 244,503 square meters of pavement and 74,750 meters of curb work so far in line with its annual activity plan.
Selcuklu Municipality continues to add value to the district through modern physical municipal work in line with the needs plan.
Throughout the year, infrastructure works have been carried out in various streets and neighborhoods, including the central and outer areas, with 10 different teams and 72 personnel. So far, 244,503 square meters of pavement and 74,750 meters of curb work have been completed.
On the other hand, throughout the year in Selcuklu, work aimed at disadvantaged groups included 2,932 meters of tactile surface pavement for the visually impaired. Selcuklu Municipality prioritizes high quality in all infrastructure works.
Selcuklu Municipality Mayor Ahmet Pekyatırmacı stated that they have changed the face of the district and improved the quality of life through the infrastructure and asphalt works they have conducted throughout the season.