Rumi, whose poems sold more than 2 million in the USA, is becoming more and more popular among Hollywood stars such that the famous singer Beyonce named one of her twins Rumi.
Madonna, Chris Martin, Pink and at last have revealed their Beyonce love for Rumi. It has been voiced that Rumi, whose poems sold more than 2 million in the USA, is glamorizing the celebrities with his deepness. Chris Martin, the soloist of the famous band Coldplay told that he held on to life with "The Guest House '' one of the poems of Rumi. He said that he got over the difficulties of his divorce from the actress Gwyneth Paltrow with Rumi and he used these beautiful lyrics in his album. "This being human is a guest house. Every morning a new arrival. A joy, a depression, a meanness, Some momentary awareness comes, As an unexpected visitor. Welcome and entertain them all!" Another famous singer Pink shared the words "I was dead. I came alive. I was tears. I became laughter. Love's wealth arrived. And I became everlasting fortune" from Rumi on Instagram under a photo with her children. Madonna, the queen of pop music, also read Rumi's poems many times. Lastly, famous singer Beyonce named one of her twins Rumi and Rumi again came up to agenda in the world press. Rumi's life which started in Afghanistan and ended in Turkey was handled widely in different broadcasting organisations such as New York Times, BBC, The Guardian and CNN. In New Yorker magazine in an article it is said that "the tomb of Rumi who is a legend from the 13th century is in Konya and hosts millions of visitors every year.
He is famous all over the world with his 3 thousand poems full of love that he wrote during his life from the age of 37-he met Şemsi Tebrisi- to the age of 67-he died-. And finally Beyonce was glamorized by his deepness, too. Times magazine reminded that they had reported Rumi as news in 1972 and had added him in the list of "the most effective people in history" in 1999. They also commented that "Beyonce and Jay Z also follow Rumi". Actually, the curiosity for Rumi in the western world dates back to very old times. The Biography of Rumi was written by different famous writers for many times and his poems were translated into at least 23 different languages. His bestseller poems have sold out more than 2 million in the USA.
According to the information in the newspaper "Kelebek, Hürriyet”, the interest for Rumi's poems which started with Madonna and Demi Moore started to influence other celebrities, too. The philosophy of Rumi which states "the people who are not speaking the same language but sharing the same feelings can get on well with" has influenced the celebrities in Hollywood. Especially after the attacks on September 11, many celebrities tended to mystic areas and interested in Rumi's philosophy. The effect of Rumi has started with the album in which Madonna and Demi Moore read Rumi's poems in English.
American, originally Indian, Dr. Deepak Chopra prepared a music album in 1998 named "A Gift of Love". The album included Goldie Hawn, Martin Sheen, Debra Winger and Blythe Danner besides Madonna and Moore. Since then, the books of Rumi in English have been sold more and more and especially after the September ll the interest in Rumi among intellectuals has been increasing.
Rumi's life story is going to be a plot of a Hollywood movie. According to the Guardian, preparations were started to shoot the movie of the life of Rumi who is a worldwide known poet, philosopher and sufi lived in the 13th century. The scenario of this huge project will be written by David Franzoni. One of the producers Stephen Joel Brown explained that they want to introduce the culture of sufi to the west via cinema. If Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Downey Jr. accept the roles, they will be acting as Rumi and Şems-i Tebrizi in the new film. Franzoni said that "It is worth exploring the life of these kinds of important characters. Besides, Rumi has been really popular in the USA nowadays. Brown and Franzoni came to Istanbul and they also visited Konya for the preparations of the movie. They also announced the surprises of the movie. They said that "We want Leonardo DiCaprio to act as Rumi and Robert Downey Jr. to act as Şems-i Tebrizi."
Brad Pitt from the USA is known as a tattoo lover and in some photos taken in New Orleans the tattoo under his arm got attention. In this tattoo a quote "Out beyond ideas of wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there" by Rumi is written. Oscar awarded actress Hilary Swank has also joined this trend of sharing quotes by Rumi. Swank, shared this quote "Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along" by Rumi.