Thursday, 25 April 2024


Yalıhüyük became a village until 1972, a municipality in 1972, and a district by being published in the Official Gazette dated May 20, 1990 and numbered 20523 with the Law No. 3644 dated 09.05.1990, and became a Metropolitan District Municipality with the Local Administrations Elections on March 30, 2014 with the Metropolitan Law No. 6360.


20 km from Bozkır. away from the town, Suğla Lake (Trogidis, Trogitis) was named after the mound located on the shore. This region was called the Isauria Region in ancient times. The capital of the region is Isauria, which is located in the east of Ulupınar village of Bozkır district and is known as Zengibar Castle today. In short, as understood from the excavation and sounding studies, it has been seen that the history of Yalıhüyük and its surroundings goes back to the Neolithic and Chalcolithic periods.


Sugla Lake


Its history has common features with the surrounding districts and Konya History. It is known that it was moved to the vicinity of Suğla Lake after a landslide was observed about 200 years ago. It is stated that the narrowing of the Suğla Lake area and the desire to benefit more from the lake were taken into account in the selection of the new settlement.




Since the surrounding of the mound was declared a "protected area", it was closed to development. Since no archaeological research or excavation has been carried out in the mound to date, information that will be a source for the history of the district has not been reached.


Gölcük Plateau Recreation Area


There are very beautiful recreation areas in Gölcük Plateau. "Gölcük Plateau Festival" is held here during the summer months.