Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya, who visited his
hometown, Konya, met with shopkeepers and exchanged holiday greetings with the
Also, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya visited Konya
Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur Ibrahim Altay.
Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya visited Konya
Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur Ibrahim Altay and received information
about the works. In his statement regarding the visit, Minister Yerlikaya
expressed his gratitude to Mayor Uğur Ibrahim Altay, who dedicates his nights
and days to leading Konya towards a brighter future and wished him success in
his endeavors.
As part of the program, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya
first visited the shopkeepers of Mevlana Bazaar and later exchanged holiday
greetings with the people of Konya at Sultan Selim Mosque after the noon
prayer. He offered prayers at the Mausoleum of Mevlana. Then, Minister
Yerlikaya met with Konya Governor Vahdettin Ozkan and also visited the Konya
Martyrs' Cemetery to convey his condolences to the families of the martyrs.
Afterwards, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya visited Konya
Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur Ibrahim Altay and expressed great
happiness in being in his hometown of Konya during the Eid al-Adha holiday.
Konya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Uğur Ibrahim Altay
also expressed his satisfaction with the visit. Mayor Altay provided
information about the works of the Metropolitan Municipality and thanked
Minister Yerlikaya for his visit.