Monday, 07 October 2024
Konya Şeker Gets Bigger in Food

Konya Şeker Gets Bigger in Food

Ramazan Erkoyuncu, the Chairman of Konya Beet Growers Cooperative, stated that “we have a clear path in agriculture and food and added that our goal is to go much further in the food department. We may not leave the energy sector, but we will make the food bigger.

Ramazan Erkoyuncu, who was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Konya Beet Growers Cooperative and the Chairman of PANKOBIRLIK two months ago, held a press conference at the Konya Seker campus. Erkoyuncu said that “We are a giant holding that develops ourselves on agriculture and food in Anatolia”.

We started to run our second factory, Çumra Şeker, in 2004. In those days, we had very good days both as a sector and as a profitability ratio, we grew. We increased our diversity especially on food, and eventually we became a holding. Then we stepped into a different, energy. If there is no such thing as a sale, I hope we will be in a position to pay off our debt and we will be permanent in this sector as well.