Tuesday, 18 February 2025


Humanity is feeling an interesting compathy nowadays with the pandemic. All over the world, people are having similar fears, restrictions and lives. With this pandemic, the level of being rich or poor is not determined by money anymore. It is determined by the sizes of the houses people live in.

It is not known that whether loneliness and boredom turned humanity to themselves, but, like a strict, furious and cruel teacher, the pandemic has given people lots of common emotions as well as common fears.

The people all around the world are looking forward to that day, just like they are waiting a festival day, in which all the restrictions and limitations will be removed; A world without a pandemic.

This pandemic has taught to humanity infinite doctrines and hard lessons and it made hygiene permanent which may be impossible to do all over the world for centuries. Keeping your personal hygiene has been the most important thing for billions of people in daily routines.  

Individual loneliness of people with developing technology has been removed and people have rapidly learnt friendship and their need to share and their need to each other in difficult days. 

Our wish is to remember and to learn a lesson from pandemic when we accidentally find a forgotten mask in one of the pockets of our coats or outfits that we will wear many years later. Our wish is to remember the compathy of this painful pandemic lesson during which everyone has been seen in one single class with their pains, losses and friendships. 

And this compathy should be in such a form that the people should try to insistently dictate their wishes to their governments that they would like to live in this world like a single big family in peace, with health and friendship; not according to the borders in the maps but according to the geography in the hearths. All over the world, the hope for peace has gained, again, its importance against a common enemy.

The pandemic has given huge damages to humanity who brutally fought against each other in the past and made them gather within the same guard lines.  

There have been a lot of losses of us but it is seen that at the end of this war we will be able to regain our HUMANITY.

Our priorities and targets in our lives have already changed