The feed factory at Gözlü Agricultural Enterprise,
affiliated with the General Directorate of Agricultural Enterprises (TİGEM),
meets the nutritional needs of the animals in the enterprises with its annual
production of 74 thousand tons.
Located within the Sarayönü district of Konya, where both
crop production and intensive livestock activities are carried out, the Gözlü
Agricultural Enterprise Directorate draws attention to its feed factory
established to meet the feeding needs of the animals.
The high-nutrient, high-quality feed produced in the factory,
which was put into operation in 2015 within the enterprise, is intended for the
cattle, small ruminants, and racehorses raised in TİGEM.
Seventeen types of feed with a total production of 74
thousand tons are produced annually.
Murat Laleli, the Feed Factory Manager at TİGEM Gözlü
Agricultural Enterprise, stated that they have increased the production
capacity since the establishment of the factory.
Laleli emphasized that the product is utilized within the
enterprise, and stated that “Last year, we produced 74,200 tons of feed. We
produced feed in three different categories: cattle, small ruminants, and
horses. Seventeen different types of feed were produced, including 10 types of
cattle feed, 6 types of small ruminant feed, and horse feed. The content is
prepared by taking into account protein, energy, and other factors.”