Sunday, 08 September 2024
Genç: Products are advanced by feedbacks

Genç: Products are advanced by feedbacks

Şakalak Agricultural Machinery Inc., which has been maintaining its production for over 35 years in Konya Organized Industrial Site, is producing 15 thousand machines per year.
The general manager of the company Mustafa Genç said that their firm has been producing planting/sowing machinery and tillers.
While expressing that drills and planting/sowing machinery that are in the production category have been drawing attention in recent years, Genç stated that despite the negative effects of Covid-19 pandemic, they passed the previous year with a dense production period.   
He expressed that the sector has opened its doors to the world in a powerful way with the help of the development in agricultural industry in the city. He also said:
“The year 2020 was a year of pandemic but despite the pandemic there was a huge demand. We are exporting to 20 countries. We also have a great potential about exporting to the countries in the region. We also continue to contract manufacturing for some European countries. There is also a huge demand from South America. One of the biggest demands is for our drills. They are planting carrots and onions in the USA with our machinery. This is a point of pride. They are planting in the USA soils with our machinery. We are sending more than 150 drills to the USA in a year. Our strength in this market is increasing every year.”
Products are advanced by feedbacks
While expressing that their company is employing 300 people, Genç said that “40 percent of our production is being exported. We are producing about 50 different products under 3 main group of machinery. We have come to a certain point in the sector with our experience and the investment in production technology R&D. We continue to work on R&D. We also seek support from the academic world in the university. We also gather feedbacks from farmers to advance our products.”