The wedding ceremony of Konya Metropolitan Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay’s son, Ali Necati Altay, and Aydan Meram was held at the Selçuklu Congress Center.
Konya Metropolitan Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay, who officiated the couple’s marriage, said, "Happiness grows and increases when shared. Today, each of you has witnessed and shared in our happiness by being here, contributing to its growth. May God bless you all."
Mayor Altay expressed that, although he has officiated hundreds of weddings to date, officiating his own child's wedding brought different emotions. He also thanked everyone in attendance.
The witnesses to the marriage of the young couple included: Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, Minister of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change Murat Kurum, Minister of Interior Ali Yerlikaya, President of the Lebanese Dannieh Municipalities Union Muhammed Sadieh, Constitutional Court Members Muhterem İnce, Recai Akyel, and Metin Kıratlı, President of the Presidency's Strategy and Budget Department İbrahim Şenel, AK Party Deputy Chairmen Yusuf Ziya Yılmaz and Mustafa Şen, MHP Deputy Chairman Mustafa Kalaycı, former Minister of Industry and Technology and Chairman of the TBMM Committee on Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information, and Technology Mustafa Varank, former Minister of Treasury and Finance Lütfi Elvan, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities Omar Abdullah Kadı, Esad Ağaçayaklar, Ayşegül Meram, and Ali Çınar.